
サードカルチャーキッズ その2:~移動について~ TCKs #2 Re: The transition (Eng. below)

英語でいうと、High Mobility,これがTCKの一つの特徴のようです。

☆ TCKの移動については次のような段階があると言われています。

1.帰属期: 自分の場所があり安心感がある。

2.別れの時: 別れへの準備、新しいことをはじめなくなり、友達と距離を作り始め

3.移行期: 実際の移動が起こる時。近くに知り合いもいず、親も手いっぱい。

4.加入期: 基本的な生活が落ち着く時期。よ周りにも少し目が行くようになる。

5. 再帰属期:ようやく周りも自分の存在を認め、自分の中にも帰属意識が出てくる。
                                              ( 以上、info. from: Third Culture Kids, by Pollack and Van Reken)




☆ 良い「別れの時」は私たちが思っている以上に大切なのです!

High mobility is a part of TCKs lives. This inevitably has a significant influence on growing children.It helps us to know more about their experience of a transition. Here are the five stages of a transition people go through, in the book titled  "TCKs" by D. Pollock. (2001)

1. Involvement: comfortable stage, feel "fit in."
2. Leaving: detachment starts. Often feel confused, anger and frustration. Some denials.
3. Transition: Chaos! Every little thing becomes a big issue.Loss of self-esteem sets in.
4. Entering: Still vulnerable and tentative.Need a good mentor.
5. Reinvolvement: Regain a sense of belonging. Feel secure.

If you have moved even once, you would  have gone through the above stages. During the transition period, things happen, regardless of your effort, or ability.

While all the stages have significance,  the stage that I would like to bring to your attention, is the 2nd stage, where mixed emotions are raised, and yet, might not be so obvious, especially among children. This coincides with the time that parents are very busy with practical matters such as finding a new house, school and a trusty mover. We feel overwhelmed and might be feeling upset about the move ourselves. Therefore, it is very normal to feel that the last thing you might want to hear is children's anger, complaint and sadness. It is just to much to handle!

But I must stress, a good good-bye is a must for a good start.
It is not your fault that kids have to say good-bye to their friends, but at the same time, they are entitled to feel sad and angry about the transition. Feelings are there, whether they express or not. Some children are so clever and observant that they know your are so busy and stressed out. They pretend that they are not feeling anything, that they are perfectly OK about the move. We then feel that we do not want to wake up the sleeping baby. It is also very normal to feel that way.

Problem though is then, we would be procrastinating, making the entering stage harder. Therefore I suggest that you just take a little time to listen to them. Yes, just listen. We do not need to justify or reason them. What kids need are good listening ears and mom/dad to be there for them.

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